As described onWikipedia,The Ipod Touch The iPod Touch is a portable media player, personal digital assistant, and Wi-Fi mobile platform designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The iPod Touch adds the multi-touchgraphical user interfaceto the iPod line.
The use of the Ipod touch in middle school classrooms is a very popular subject on Classroom 2.0. I was able to read about various programs and their successes. Currently in my own school district there is a pilot program that seems to be having wonderful success in increasing students learning skills and retention.
Culbreth Middle School began a pilot program with the Ipod Touch in August 2008. The discussion has continued through today where it has taken a turn toward Ipod touch versus Ipad.What I truly find interesting is that over the course of 18 months this particular school has been able to succeed in using this device to enable students to access study aids, take notes, research information on the internet, log in and use on line tutorials and take tests and quizzes from the palm of their hands.The biggest plusses seem to be how the device engages the students in their learning process. Teachers have found it to a be a great tool as well, adding to their ability to provide well rounded content that keeps the students interested in a subject long enough for them to retain the information being taught.
This particular discussion was on the topic of application availability for the Ipod touch. I am completely amazed at the way this device is being utilized in the classroom. There are applications available for every subject you can think of from French to chemistry with more being developed all the time. It is also very exciting to hear that students are regaining their motivation to study and learn. School is no longer boring, but fun!
it is only the beginning... I have truly enjoyed the work we have done in 422. I was able to use tools I am already aware of and was exposed to tools I had had never even thought existed! The things I could have done with Footnote.. :) I did bite off more than I could chew when it came to managing my time between work, class and family. I am still in the midst of uploading and downloading what I need to so I can actually be given a grade in the class.. I participated and hope I was able to add something to the class, I know I learned a lot from everyone through the process. I really can't wait to use some of things in the classroom..I have already applied a few outside the classroom and its been fun!
NETS-T I - Facilitate and inspire Student Learning and Creativity
In order to guide students towards becoming familiar and comfortable in a technologically integrated classroom, I created an online blog using the host site My blog is an Internet website that houses information such as: personal journals with reflections on educational issues in technology, comments on contributions made to the blog from a classroom community, and hyperlinks to relevant websites that allow access to multiple sources of information. This blog provides students with an electronic means of collaboration by joining a network of teachers and peers. Using technology to create a blog advances: student learning, thought processes, organizational skills, creativity and innovation. In creating a classroom blog, a teacher can model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students in a virtual environment.
As an educator, I incorporated the use of technology by creating a classroom newsletter. It was used as a form of communication with students and parents as well as an innovative teaching tool. In order to create this newsletter Microsoft Word was utilized. The newsletter had a masthead that incorporated the use of table and horizontal line art. Some cells were merged. Word art was added to the document as well as drop caps in text. Hand drawn graphics were scanned and embedded into the document, and clip art from Kathy Schrock's website was also added. Text wrapping was also utilized. Articles were incorporated into the newsletter to provide information about the teacher, how technology would be used in the classroom, and information about an interesting topic in general. The creation of a newsletter generated creativity and innovative thinking on behalf of students by using technology to advance student learning. Through this project thought processes were developed and the implementation of research and writing strategies led to the acquisition of knowledge.
NETS-T II -Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assignments
I will complete this standard in the credential program.
NETS-T III -Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
As an educator it will be important that I exhibit skills that will emphasize my abilities to create learning environments that are based on innovative technology tools that encourage creativity and collaboration.
Using iMovie, a video editing software, I imported video clips, photos and music to create a PSA for CSUSM. Using editing tools, I created a 30 second movie which incorporated all three forms of media and added visual and audio effects. Once complete, I shared the projects with my fellow classmates, and we were able to share ideas and learn from each others work. Once completed, I uploaded the artifact to my to my blog using Quicktime. This tool can be used collaboratively in the classroom, by giving students an opportunity to create projects using techniques that interest them.
Inspiration 8 is a tool which allows the user to create visual diagrams such as mind and concept maps and outlines. With this tool I was able to create a diagram which organized my thoughts and artifacts to assist me in producing the NETS documentation needed for my credential portfolio. I organized my thoughts and ideas by using words, phrases and pictures to present a visual outline. My outline can be seen on my blog entitled Inspiration I woulds be able to use this tool in creating effective lesson plan ideas and how to present them. I would encourage my students to use it to help them develop their ideas for long term projects and research papers as it is a way for them to organize their thoughts and resources.
NETS-T IV -Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
In my role as an educator I am held up to a higher standard in modeling good digital citizenship and responsibility. It is my responsibility to teach students about the dangers of using the Internet. I collaborated on a project that developed an Internet safety resource that can be found on my blog entitled "Internet Safety". The document lists a variety of topics that should be discussed with activities that can be used to help support the information given.
Social bookmarking is another way to take responsibility in what you share with your students via the Internet. Delicious is a tool that allows you to store and share bookmarks and tags. This is a very useful tool as it allows your stored bookmarks to be available through any computer encouraging collaboration. I created a blog post which lists and discusses many websites covering subject such as netiquette, cyberbullying, multicultural awareness, and learning types. My Delicious account organizes all of my favorite resources in one place so that I can share with colleagues ans students to help in promoting digital citizenship.
NETS- V -Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
I have made a commitment to lifelong learning and to support myself in the effort I joined The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). This membership allows my to stay current with trends in the use of technology in the classroom. I have read several articles from "Learning and Leading with Technology" my reflections on those articles have been posted as journal entries on my blog and cited in APA format. There have been several tools mentioned that I would like to try to utilize in my classroom, one of the most interesting is the idea of virtual field trips.
Use of the collaborative website, Classroom 2.0, I have been able to connect with educators across the global on such topics as the use of white boards in the classroom. I was able to monitor a very lively discussion group and participate as I wanted to. Resources such as these will not only support my commitment of life long learning but only be a great resource for new ideas and community support.
Inspiration 8 is a tool which allows the user to create visual diagrams such as mind and concept maps and outlines. With this tool I was able to create a diagram which organized my thoughts and artifacts to assist me in producing the NETS documentation needed for my credential portfolio.
b.This exhibit from the Hoover Library-Museum shows artifacts and tells the stories of approximately 106 women who have had an impact in United States history. An example is the story of Sacagawea, Native American Interpreter and her adventures with Lewis and Clark.
i.Determine the diverse groups served by your school. Consider cultural, linguistic, racial, and ethnic diversity. Find out the degree to which families and students in these groups are accessing available school services.
1.A big part of my teaching style will be to take the time to access the school overall and to investigate the programs and services being offered, Then next step in the process would be to evaluate just who in the school population is taking advantage of our resources and ask for feedback. Next I would reach out to those that aren’t utilizing the tools provided and ask if there is anything that we could be doing better which would encourage the m to be using the tool we have provided.
ii.Network with other schools that are developing and implementing culturally competent systems. Adapt the processes and information that are consistent with your school's needs and interests.
1.Why re-invent the wheel when there are plenty of schools who have tackled the achievement gap issue. Working with other schools with similar issues provides a community of educators that can share ideas and methods that have and have not worked in regards to solving similar problems. Collaboration is a great way to be creative in problem solving.
iii.Network with parent, family, minority community, and faith-based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students. Solicit their involvement and input in the design and implementation of initiatives for culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups.
1.Parents and community organizations can help build school program that will address some of the issues causing the achievement gaps. Teachers and school administrators would be naive in thinking that they could address cultural differences on their own. Partnering with parent and the surrounding community ensures that there are a variety of ideas being used. This closes the gap between the school and the surrounding community.
a.The 21st century has brought us many very useful tools in technology, including updated cell phones, faster more affordable computers. Texting and in many cases instant messaging is becoming an accepted communication practice within corporate America. With all of this technology available to young people it has opened up a new way to tease and pick on the outsiders in a classroom. I find it disturbing to know that schools have been sued for trying to take action in the misuse of these mediums. The school is the primary arena that most students are using these types of tools and most parents are just completely out of touch with what their child does on a day to day basis. As cyber bullying continues to become a larger problem both for students and teachers, we need to look at giving our schools the ability to be proactive and reactive whenever they can. It is always distressing to hear of a young person committing suicide because of their lack of self worth based on the way other student treat them, as educators we can step in on the playground, but in the cyber world we have very little to no control over our students actions in regards to the use of technology. This is a situation that must change.
a.Very cool website for educators it takes away some of my fears in coming up with resources for creative lesson plans. I loved the idea that I have tools to use both in and out of the classroom to help get my subject matter across to students. Having links to tutorial webs for math and money management is a huge time saver. The area “Teacher Helpers” provides samples of presentations, rubrics, evaluation tools and even ideas for decorating you bulletin boards. I see this as an invaluable resource in helping me attain my goal of providing a creative learning environment in my classroom.
i.I loved the idea that there is a learning community focused on teaching towards students’ strengths and encouraging development in their weaknesses. How wonderful it would have been to know back before trying to choose a major in college, what my interests were and what types of careers might be most successful for me. It might not have taken me 20 years to investigate teaching as a solid career option.
a. Lesson would be used at grade level 6-8. The subject is in the “Mix it up” category. People are generally passionate about their feelings and thoughts on controversial issues such as sexual preference and race and ethnicity. Friendships are formed around the idea that each person feels the same way about a certain topic. Young people usually do not possess the skills to disagree respectfully. The activity suggests students to expand their way of thinking and become friends with a variety of people who may even think differently than they do. I would use this activity some within the first month of class so that my students would have the opportunity to develop new friendships throughout the school year. My hope would be to bring the class together as a group who are respectful of others opinions and ideas even though they might disagree. A great lesson to be learned early on as the cyber bullying issues is on the rise and more easily done at starting at the middle school level.
a.According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, what percentage of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients? 52%
i.I am amazed that there is still such a strong level of discrimination based on sexual preference, especially in the medical field. Doctors take oaths to protect the lives of human beings and providing less care based on something as personal as sexual presence is completely unacceptable. Why is it that a country that was found on the idea that we are all equal continues to such high levels of discrimination?
b.In a 2007 study, UNICEF rated the treatment of children in the 23 wealthiest countries in the world based on 40 indicators of child well-being. Which two countries received the lowest ratings? The United States and the UK
i.This answer left me speechless. The US is a nation known for wealth and abundance. We are consistently helping struggling countries with medical supplies, military support etc. We need to be focusing more money on our own citizens. Programs such as No Child Left Behind do not allow for better education of our students it limits them. Politicians’ are to focused on what is happening globally and there needs to be more attention paid to our children future. They will be the next group of leaders. Shouldn’t we be investing more in them than any other country?
a.Just as it is important to teach young people to respect each other in their face to face communication, we need to instill the same guidelines in their cyber communities. Many things can be misinterpreted over email and in chat rooms and we need to be extremely careful in hoe we communicate our thought and ideas because we do not have the benefits of responding to body language and facial expressions in cyber communications. The most important lesson in written communication is the always consider how a person our group may take your comments- Think of the person on the other end, can they sense you are trying to be funny? :^DDo you want them to know you are angry?:-||
Weller, Travis. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), 28-29.
It is incredible how with so little and the use of today’s technology, teachers are being able to offer content for their student that might not ever be readily available to them. Travis Weller was able to connect his student with the actual composers of the music they were playing, giving both the composer and the student the ability to communicate and connect with a piece of music.
With the use of a computer, a broadband connection, a data projector and a few other pieces of equipment readily available at his school he made use of a free version in internet software on Skype is making it possible to seek out subject experts and inviting them to share in an interactive classroom experience. How would I use a tool such as Skype in my classroom?
I am and avid adopter of the belief that if technology can provide a richer learning experience for my students then the effort I need to make it work will be completely worth it. As some who might be teaching English literature or even business; it would be incredible to connect with contemporary authors to discuss their work and writing techniques or to have a discussion regarding the Stock exchange with someone who actually is there every day.
What are some of the challenges facing me in the potential use of this type of technology?
As much as the use of new technology has started to be integrated into the classroom, there is still a large group of educators hesitant in adopting new practices. We need to understand the majority of our students will be technically savy and we need to encourage them to utilize these skills in such a way that it is productive in their learning process. The other obstacle is in the number of computer readily available in the classroom. Technology use and equipment availability within a school district is not equitable between each school. This really needs to change if we want to ensure our students are ready for the 21st Century.
Lindsay, Julie, & Davis, Vicki. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), 12-15.
The term digital citizenship describes the relationship between students and teachers within the inline environment. As a professional educator you must transform yourself into a technological resource, continually monitoring new trends and ideas that will help drive student centered learning. Opening up the classroom to a more global environment offers lots of advantages for students to become engaged in the world around td them , but it also opens up a new world of socialization which if not monitored could put teachers into difficult situations.
In implementing the idea of a “flat classroom” environment it is best that you have a plan mapped out which not only explains the implementation method but how a teacher intends to monitor and use the educational network to best suits their students. Rules of conduct need to be established and monitored to ensure that students are engaging appropriately in this new space.
The concept of internet safety is compared to that of traffic safety and hunter’s safety, most all of life’s interaction have an element of risk but as parents and teachers it is our responsibility to guide our students into safe internet usage. Educational networks are designed to make the internet a safer place. How would I implement the idea of a “flat classroom” in my own classroom?
As a middle school teacher, teaching one subject to 6 or more groups a day I would want to enable all of my classes to be able to communicate with each other regarding the topics discussed in class, it would turn a group of 25 student into a group of 100 plus allowing for more interaction with student at all levels and encouraging peer support and tutoring. What would some of the pitfalls be in this type of learning environment?
If the teacher is not monitors the information being exchanged, students can send themselves in to the wrong direction, off topic or the misuse of the learning tool. Posting inappropriate content rather than information that will help drive a topic home.
Bull, G, Alexander, C, & Ferster, Bill. (2010). Finding students who learn with media. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(5), 36-37.
Using the technology tools available today, students are able to have access to information more than ever before. Engaging student in the classroom by having them approach the subject matter through various forms of media offers many opportunities for learning.
Web-based authoring tools are being used to create short documentary films utilizing audio, pictures and text this activity seems to enhance the level of retention and understanding. The Smithsonian American Art Museum currently utilizes this tool and allows students and teachers the ability to create their own movies using content from the museum.
The creation of Primary Access was to eliminate the time and overhead associated with movie making tools. A study was done to evaluate the learning potential of story board creation and the traditional essay writing activity. 40% of the students who participated were shown to have been engaged in both the historical content and the technological content of the activity.
Tools such as this along with other have the potential to engage more students and give them a better understanding of the material. Realizing that students respond in different ways to different media can allow teachers to truly construct and instruct assignments that will meet the individual needs of the student.
Is there truly a value add with this tool and will it actually be used?
There would definitely be a value add in my classroom. I am an early adopter of most technology and anything that would potentially engage a middle school student so much that he/she wants to learn more about a topic, I am all for it. I am concerned that there are more teachers that are afraid to use new methods like these to teach. It’s a bit more difficult to implement and there can appear to be less control over what content is used or not used.
Zanetis, Jan. (2010). The beginner's guide to virtual field trips. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(6), 20-23.
The article discusses two different methods in provided virtual field trips for student grades K-12. The first one being asynchronous VFT’s, which are not delivered in real time. They include websites with text audio and video resources on specific topics. Some may also include streaming video and podcasts. The quality and substance of these VTFs vary and there are aggregators available to help select the more reputable sites available.
The second method is interactive VFT’s which are synchronous or real time experiences which place students in contact with informal educators in many locations. The use of video conferencing technology is what makes this so engaging. Rather than using web cams and small computer screens, the video conferencing equipment bring a real person and place into the conference. This can be an expensive method. However, approximately 30% of U.S schools have installed large group video conferencing equipment.
There are many educational site that offer interactive VFTs to school with content that can be topic specific. One example is the National Baseball Hall of Fame offering a unit called “Math: Batter Up”, a lesson in the fundamental concepts in statistics. Many interactive VFTs have a fee, but the cost in compared to real life field trips they are relatively inexpensive and they enable students to visit places that would be almost impossible to visit in person.
How would I apply this resource in my classroom?
I love the idea that I there are resources available to me that would enable to provide engaging content to my lesson plans. Visiting museums, historical places though the use of video conferencing would enrich any lesson plan. I can see visiting the Smithsonian Museums and the historical sites in New England were the revolutionary war was fought. Being able to see the actual ship used in the Boston tea party would bring that history lesson to life!
How will using this type of technology benefit learning experience for today student?
The idea that you could actually visit the places being discussed in a history lesson or have a tour of NASA and being taught a statistics lesson from an expert in baseball statistics, makes the world seem more tangible. Students may never be able to travel to Greece but through a VFT they could see the remnants of historical places live rather than as pictures in a text book.
My name is Susan Eubanks, formerly Rowe and i was born and raised in the San Gabriel Valley, which I like to call "Smogville". I spent most of K-12 in catholic schools and attended Bishop Amat Memorial High School in La Puente, CA. GO LANCERS!
I attended Cal Poly Pomona, the Cal State Fullerton were I majored in Musical theatre. After 5 years and still no degree I found a job and started a career in human resources. I returned to school in 2003 to literally just get the "piece of paper" so I could be more marketable in my job search. Boring I know..
When I started working computers were not something you could just go in and buy off the shelf except for the Mac. I able always the first one to learn about new system to be used on the job and can quickly become an the office expert. I am currently working implementing and applicant tracking system for my company and have been praised for my ability to connect process with technology. As far of using technology for fun, I tend to be a late adopter because I am so busy and can find things like computer games frustrating rather than relaxing. I love my Ipod, dream of an iPhone and have become a Facebook addict. I am definitely a windows person current Windows 7. I am more a creature of habit than a person who dislikes the Mac, I prefer not to have to work in several operating systems so windows is where I stay.
As a parent, I am concerned for the eduction of my child, which as I have investigated the school system in California is appropriate. As I have gone through the process of investigating teaching as a second career, I was attracted the, CSUSM/COE, because of its commitment to student-centric education, and life long learning. I feel that our standardized testing is ineffective and that the current way of teaching is not providing much benefit to our young people. Returning the methods that are focused on the needs of each student is very important to me. I am looking forward to being a true part of change, rather than an observer.
I am always looking for new ways to connect with my husband, my in home IT expert... I know that with all the cool new things to use..(thanks, Jeff!) I will finally be able to show him a thing or two!